Sun & Snow

1. Spring: A Round Form of Fall
2. The Song Without A Name
3. That's just what you need. More splinters of yourself.
4. Moon Made of Cheese
5. Are You Sure You Are You?
6. Wet Socks
7. The Zeta Effect
8. A Room, Lit By Snowlight
9. Walking On
10. The Fugue of Winter
11. White Flags
12. An Ice Pick, Stabbed In Soft Soil
13. The Snow That Falls Is The Ache Of My Mind
14. Reborn Again
15. Sunny, Snowy Day


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bryng's thoughts

Sun & Snow is really my earliest "great work". It's a strangely emotionally distant album, it doesn't really tell anyone much about me except that I don't like the snowy weather. It took a huge part of me to release this, I was perfectly content keeping what I view as my first masterpiece entirely to myself, but my love for all of you got the better of me. Sun & Snow is about the general feeling of abandonment and resignation I feel whenever the winter weather rolls around. I think the real defining song on this album is 'A Room, Lit By Snowlight', the longest song and closest to drone I've gotten so far (don't worry, I'm working on it). The song really exhumes the real feeling of being trapped alone in a dark but still light room. My personal favorite song from this is White Flags, I think it's probably my best song ever. The heavy use of violin on this album represents radiation. Do with that knowledge what you will! I was always sad that this album never really took off, but to be fair none of my albums have taken off so I can't be too upset.

Release date: Feburary 28th, 2023

Bandcamp description

"i guess theres no heat anywhere inside this planet"

You walk really fast. You used to get bullied a lot for walking slow, so you just started walking faster and never really stopped. No-one can keep up with you. You can't really take in your surroundings. You are always early for your busses.

You hung out with a friend at the mall today. She walked slower than you so you tried to match her walking speed. When your time is up and she leaves, you notice you walked a little slower to your bus stop. Weird.

As you step out into what should be a light spring breeze, you are hit with a wave of cold, and little specks of snow falling and failing to stick. You are confused. A large man sees you staring at the sky bewildered, and he walks up to you and says "Winter's last breath, hey?".


A day passes and the snow is everywhere. What was spring mutated into winter in just a few hours. It's sunny but cold enough for the snow to stay.

You never liked spring, so the snow is welcome, even if it is temporary.

Are you happy? You can't quite put your finger on it.


Sun & Snow is about love, winter, spring, loneliness, and just a little bit of self hate. Enjoy!